Excitement is brewing in the Indian automotive world as Mahindra gears up to unveil the much-awaited five-door variant of its iconic Thar SUV. Set to grace Indian roads by mid-2024, this announcement comes straight from the desk of Rajesh Jejurikar, Mahindra & Mahindra’s Executive Director and CEO. Mahindra is preparing to launch the new Thar variant alongside the existing three-door model, aiming at the lifestyle SUV segment, where it will compete with the Maruti Suzuki Jimny.
Elevating the Thar legacy, the 5-door variant boasts distinctive features that position it above its three-door sibling. Anticipate projector-based circular LED headlights, larger 19-inch alloy wheels, and revamped grille and tailgate designs. Rumors suggest a sunroof and fixed metal top could be in the works. This will definitely add a touch of both style and functionality.
Expect the Thar 5-door to retain the powertrain options of its current model. This means the SUV will likely offer the 2.0-liter turbo-petrol and 2.2-liter diesel engines, delivering robust performance with outputs of 130 bhp and 150 bhp, respectively. Coupled with a six-speed manual or automatic transmission, the Thar 5-door promises a dynamic and exhilarating driving experience.
Step inside the Thar 5-door to experience a dual-tone brown and black interior theme. This gives a touch of sophistication to this family-friendly SUV. Expect the cabin to feature a 10.25-inch infotainment screen, a digital instrument cluster, and a host of convenience features, including cruise control and wireless smartphone connectivity. Also, expect a dual-zone climate control system to ensure a modern and comfortable ride.
With an anticipated price range of Rs 12.50 lakh to Rs 18.50 lakh (ex-showroom), the Mahindra Thar 5-door is set to challenge rivals like the Force Gurkha 5-door and the Maruti Suzuki Jimny in the Indian market. Safety remains a priority, with features such as a tyre pressure monitoring system, electronic stability control, and six airbags. Indeed, you’ll get a peace of mind on every journey.
As Mahindra prepares to launch the Thar 5-door, anticipation among SUV enthusiasts is reaching new heights. With a blend of rugged performance and modern amenities, the Thar 5-door is set to make a significant impact in India’s competitive SUV segment. Altogether, setting new standards for versatility and adventure.